Let’s Get Traditionally Published
COST: $99
LENGTH: 4 weeks
COURSE TYPE: Online, asynchronous, hosted on Discord
Traditional publication is often regarded as the epitome of publishing–but the nuances of getting your book in front of literary agents and publishers can scare authors away from the process. In this 4 week course, Rebecca Thorne demystifies the traditional publication process. Students will have access to weekly lectures, a private “classroom” hosted on Discord, and discussion prompts to foster conversation. There are also 3 assignments, which include developing both a query letter and a synopsis. By the course’s end, students will have a complete querying package, and the knowledge needed to venture into the querying trenches.
This class is best suited for authors who have finished (or almost finished) their first fiction novel, and want to secure literary representation. This course does not apply to non-fiction projects.
Currently, enrollment is CLOSED.
Check back in 2023 for future class dates.